Did you know that science is now proving how healing nature can be? Think about how you feel when you take in what is around you. Turning off the phone and the computer. No ear buds. Just birds, the breeze and the plant life around you. Your anxiety just may taper off. I believe we were made for this! Here’s some of the science.
Done at the University of British Columbia, Okanagan Campus, researchers found that taking time to notice the nature around you can increase your general happiness and well-being.
Research also done by psychologist Lisa Nisbet at Trent University Ontario, Canada, looks at connectedness to nature. “You can boost your mood just by walking in nature.”
There are many other studies out there, but what it really comes down to is our minds and bodies need to decompress and nature is a sure way to do that!
We were created to take in the beauty nature provides, it has a calming effect on us.
I believe wholeheartedly that children need to be in nature. The best memories of my childhood were in the woods with my Father. He would teach me to stand patiently with my hand outstretched with a few seeds. Just waiting. Sometimes my arm would shake a little from fatigue but I would wait because many times it would happen. The little bird would land in my hand and grab a quick meal. The excitement and the incredible beauty was so worth the wait. Nature has a way with us. I hate to see kids that never get to experience the wonder of nature. I see them constantly on their phones or electronics and I always hope they get to have these experiences. The ones they will never forget!
Connecting to nature is part of all of us. Anxiety and stress is so prevalent in our world right now. People are struggling and taking medications to just wind down. The nature in our world has a way of calming the storm. A way of balancing out our lives. So next time you feel anxious or overwhelmed try taking a walk, and don’t forget to smell the roses!
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