The number of pushups you can complete appears to be an accurate way to gauge your heart health.
According to a new study, Men who were able to complete more than 40 pushups had a 96 percent reduced risk of cardiovascular events compared to those who could do less than 10. See!! I tell my clients all the time pushups are important! If you think about this it would not necessarily be the pushup exercise itself, it would be the fitness level of the person doing the pushup. They are such great indicator of strength, they are a goal for most of my clients starting out. A good goal! Yes even my ladies 🙂
The study was done at Harvard’s School of Public Health , involving middle-aged men. But we all can benefit from doing pushups on a regular basis as part of our workout routine! I have my seniors start on their kitchen counters or the back of a sturdy couch. My girls, may start on a bench, or on the floor on their knees. You don’t have to be in the military or a buff guy to keep the benefits of a pushup, I have most my clients do them, and we always progress!
Pushups target the chest, shoulders, triceps, abdominals and serratus anterior ( under armpit part of back.) Total upper body and core! Don’t skip this important weight bearing movement. The stronger you get, challenge yourself by lifting one foot, elevating your feet, or bringing your hands in closer. Anyway you do them will help with strengthen your bones, muscles and lets not forget, your heart!!
Elissa XOXO
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