Hi Friends! I love making home made yogurt!
It’s so easy and I love having it in my fridge for myself, family, and my animals! You will be amazed how creamy it turns out if you get the temperature right! Follow my lead and you will be a pro!! Add you own fruit, or raw honey or maple syrup if you like some sweet, but no need to buy store bought with all the unneeded processed sugar! You can also strain this yogurt with a cheesecloth or yogurt strainers to make greek yogurt (thicker), no added anything!! I think it is perfect the way it is 🙂 Let me know what you think! Comments welcome!!
What you will need:
A big pot, a ladle, a thermometer , a whisk, 2 large mason jars with lids, towels and a blanket (yep 🙂 )
- 1 gallon of whole organic milk (you can make less, 1/2 gallon)
- starter yogurt ( 1/2 cup organic whole milk yogurt or 1/2 cup of previous made yogurt)
Pour the milk into your large pot and bring it JUST to a boil. Don’t leave it you will have a mess. Turn stove off. If you want to use a thermometer it will be about 180 degrees. Pull out your starter yogurt from the fridge while your milk cools, have it in a small bowl. Let the milk cool until you can put your pinky finger in 10 seconds before you have to pull it out. YES! I am serious! I tested this ( my grandmas recipe) it is about 115-120 degrees. Add a few ladles of warm milk to your starter and gently whisk then slowly add to your pot of warm milk. whisk it in gently. Pour this warm milk and starter into 2 large mason jars, cover and quickly wrap in towels. Put in a warm spot where it will not be disturbed , and cover with a blanket. Many use a heated blanket or other means of keeping it warm until it ferments but I stick to the way I learned from my Grandma 🙂 6-8 hours you will have yogurt! 6 hours mild, 8 hours a bit more sour. You choose! After the time you decide, put it right in the fridge and let it cool there for 24 hours. It sets up and gets creamy in the fridge. Don’t be tempted to open it until its cooled! Have fun and let me know how it comes out!
Elissa XOXO
Tehya approves of the creamy rich yogurt…a gallon in the fridge!
I am so going to try this!
Rachael: You will love it!! Thanks for the comment! Elissa
I will have to try this with Zech, he likes cooking. It will be something to do together and eat together! Yummy!