Foam rolling can be an amazing way to reduce tension. I think we all can use that about now! Technically known as self myofacial release (SMR), using foam rollers to reduce tension has become a widely used and accepted practice. Foam rolling can also reduce soreness after exercise and prevent adhesions from muscles contracting for prolonged periods. Here are 5 reasons to start adding foam rolling to your fitness routine:
- Foam rolling can reduce adhesions or knots that restrict muscle movement
- Myofacial release can reduce muscle tension and tightness, helping to increase joint ROM (range of motion)
- Foam rollers can help reduce soreness after a tough workout
- The pressure from foam rolling can help increase bloodflow
- Foam rolling, whether after a hard workout or on it’s own, can promote a feeling of relaxation
Foam rolling has become more popular so there are many types out there. I suggest starting with a soft-core foam roller (usually white). These are a bit softer and place less force on the muscles. The hard-core foam roller has plastic in the middle so it places a significant amount of pressure on muscles. Other types include the high-density foam roller, which is all foam but more dense than the soft-core, Lastly, there are textured foam rollers. Textured foam rollers have surface patterns made to, in theory, place different amounts of pressure on the muscle, increasing circulation. I prefer the soft-core foam roller for most of my clients. It is more comfortable to use in my opinion. I find people will use it more. Self-care with foam rolling 🙂 Add it in and reap the benefits!
Elissa XOXO
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