Since the era of fitness trackers I get a lot more clients that ask me how many calories they burn when they lift weights. Then I progress to give them an ear-full! It is not just about the number of calories burned during your workout. It is what happens after! With weight training you get more bang for the buck. If your goal is to lose body-fat for good then keep reading.
If you want to get the most out of your workouts in the long run Weight Training should be your priority, especially as we age. It is essential. Calories burned during a cardio workout is not as important as increasing your metabolism, which is what happens when you gain muscle mass. Lifting weights will get you there.
Strength training or weight training helps you lose weight and keep it off by building lean muscle tissue. You increase your metabolism. This is a big deal. So you increase your metabolism, muscle, strength and lose body-fat. Hmmm is that enough to get you to lift?
I always tell my clients that Muscle IS Metabolism. The more muscle you have the higher your metabolism and the more calories you burn. Even while sleeping! Your goal should be to lose fat and keep or increase strength. This is why you need weights.
So your fitness tracker MAY show that a cardio session burns more calories than say a 30 minute weight-training session, BUT the afterburn and the metabolic benefit that comes with weight-training supersedes that 30 minutes on the treadmill. If you love to run or do the Peloton, great! Just don’t skip the weights., I am not saying don’t do cardio. I am saying to make weights your priority over machines like the treadmill or any cardio machine.
Note: HIT classes or kettlebell classes that combine strength with heart pounding cardio are awesome, but not for everyone! The good news is that everyone can benefit from weight training and anyone can do it!
Get outside and walk when you can. Everyday. Pick up the weights and build muscle. Lift at least three times a week. Staying strong is the most important thing you can do for your metabolism and your life!
Elissa XOXO
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