Milton at 107 years old had a visitor during one of his workouts with me…Tehya, my sweet girl. What fun we had!! Milton did many exercises with his walker, and told me his awesome stories. I so enjoyed him and miss him so much. Older adults are so amazing, and I want nothing more than to help them remain independent and mobile. The most important strength training move I do for them is the sit and stand exercise. Lets face it if we don’t keep our legs strong enough by doing this squat move we will not be able to get up out of a chair. Independence is so important to my older clients and it really brings me joy to see them get stronger and feel empowered by being able to move. We take this for granted until we notice we cannot get up as easily anymore! I have them do sets getting up and down off an appropriate height chair, without using their arms if possible. If they cannot , I use a chair that they can push with their arms also. Many get strong enough to then , just use their legs to get up! Yay!! I had a 95 year old client that did 50 every morning! The simple sit and stand exercise daily for 10-25 reps would be a start, depending on the health of the individual . Please check with your doctor and have a professional guide you and help you with your new exercise routine! Senior fitness is so rewarding and I am happy to have gotten certified in senior fitness working with seniors for over 25 years. We should all appreciate the little things, don’t you think… like being able to do a sit and stand…our independence relies on it!!
Elissa XOXO
Such a heart warming story!❤️
Thanks, Love my seniors!!