Know Your Fats! Dangers Of Industrial Seed Oils.
We have been hearing a lot about inflammation being the cause of disease. That foods can cause inflammation. I’m sure you have been getting contradicting information on this topic. Research is showing that sugar and industrial seed oils are culprits we need to pay attention to.
Many people are still on the “saturated fat causes heart disease” bandwagon, sticking to low-fat foods that may be laden with sugar and preservatives including cheap seed oils. I challenge you to do your research on this topic!
Oils and fat are essential to our bodies. So instead of demonizing and making it more confusing with to many details, limit unnatural fats including trans-fats, partially and hydrogenated fats and highly processed industrial seed oils. A few of the seed oils to get out of your kitchen include corn oil, canola oil and vegetable oils. They are void of nutrients and can cause chronic inflammation in the body.
TIP: Limit eating out, most restaurants use cheap seed oils. When you cook at home educate yourself on which oils to use for what type of preparation. I hope this quick guide helps!
Choosing the right cooking oil for comes down to smoke point and staying away from the industrial seed oils. Here is a list of healthy oils you should consider using when cooking and their smoke points. The higher the smoke point the better for high heat.
Good Oil Choices For Cooking and The Ones I use In My Kitchen:
- Refined Coconut Oil 450F
- Unrefined Coconut Oil 350F
- Refined Avocado Oil 520F
- Grass-Fed Butter 350F
- Ghee (clarified butter) 485F
- Light Olive Oil Refined 465F
- Extra Virgin Olive Oil 325F
Some of my recipes in the past used olive oil for roasting. After learning I have changed my habits with oils! Basically for high heat cooking like broiling or roasting I use Avocado oil or Ghee. For medium heat like stir-fry or sautéing I use Butter, Coconut oil and Light Olive Oil.
Here’s a quick guide:
Avocado Oil: Baking Roasting, frying, broiling and roasting.
Coconut Oil: Baking, stir-fry and sautéing
Ghee: Baking,frying, broiling and roasting.
Grass-Fed Butter: Baking, stirfrys and sautéing.
Light Olive Oil: Light sautéing, lower heat cooking. Not high heat.
I always have a good Extra Virgin Olive Oil in my kitchen for many other uses like my salad dressings and drizzling on veggies. I use the lighter Olive Oil for lower heat sautéing (Not EVO). My good extra vigin unrefined coconut oil is another staple in my kitchen. I put coconut oil in my smoothies, hot tea and in my dogs raw food everyday! I love my fats! We need them for our health!
Don’t skimp on healthy Oils, just learn which ones will benefit and not harm your health!
Elissa XOXO
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